This year, we all have the chance to mark the centenary of the end of World War 1. On 11 November 2018, people around the country will observe Remembrance Sunday. They will be reflecting on the lives that were changed irrevocably, and those that were lost.
One hundred days before the end of the war, on Sunday, 4 August 1918 (which was the fourth anniversary of the declaration of war), King George V and Queen Mary joined members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords for a special service at the Church of Saint Margaret, Westminster. The King had asked that 4 August 1918 should be observed as a National Day of Prayer. One hundred days later the war ended.
This year 4 August 2018 will mark the first of 100 days of prayer across the country, running until Armistice Day in November. Churches across the country, across the spectrum of denominations, will start 100 days of prayer, peace and reconciliation – an initiative called Remembrance 100. Every day there will be prayers and actions for peace. Why not sign up and spend just a few minutes of your day adding your prayers, and your church’s prayers, to those of tens of thousands more.